В голове моей Бетховен – крепко сшит, неладно скроен (с)
Taylor Kitsch wants to go dark with Gambit next time round

If you like to keep up to date with all things Wolverine then you will know that 20th Century Fox and Hugh Jackman are developing a sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine, however one person who didn’t know that was Taylor Kitsch who plays Gambit. Kitsch recently spoke to Rotten Tomatoes at Cannes and he seemed pretty excited about possibly returning as Gambit for the sequel.

“Man, good on Hugh for doing that to his body again,” he laughed as we told him about the film. “I hadn’t heard that was going to happen! You have my brain going now about what I’d love to do with Gambit!”
“I’m just excited to go deeper into Gambit. It’s a flattering thing when people say that the only shitty part about the character is we didn’t see enough of him. If that’s the case, bring it on. I want to go deep into Gambit.”
“He has so many more colours to explore. I want to go dark with that cat. There are so many things I want people to see of him and he really is his own deal. In Wolverine he was very much moving the story along. If I can have some moments where you go deeper into Gambit’s back-story and why he was the way he was at that poker table — that’s a fun thing to explore.”
“I have the tools now to do some larger fights and I’d be really excited to get a chance to do that, too. I have so many ideas in my mind right now!”

Producer Lauren Shuler Donner recently said that Gambit would not be appearing in X-Men: First Class, but there were ‘internal discussions’ as to whether he would be popping up in Wolverine 2. I don’t think Gambit had a big enough role in X-Men Origins: Wolverine to warrent his own spin-off, so Wolverine 2 seems like the only place he could feature.


UPD: Шу, тут есть кой-чего интересного про Вэйда :cheek:

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04.08.2009 в 00:31

... боишься - не делай, делаешь - не бойся... (с)
А я бы вот очень хотела увидеть фильм про Магнито, ибо он шикарен... Но ,боюсь, что даже если оное всё-таки снимут, то трилогия Людей Х так и будет стоять особняком...(
04.08.2009 в 20:43

В голове моей Бетховен – крепко сшит, неладно скроен (с)
Dahut ну, надежда умирает последней.) все-таки хочется верить, что фильм получится по меньшей мере хорошим.