воскресенье, 19 октября 2008
Aimee Allen "If It Feels Right (Do it)"ТекстYou make me happy
You are standing in my way
You make me so high
Then you just take it all away
This time I'm done
I've made my decision
When will it end
Giving into this temptation
I'm done, come on, come on, just stop
One more time
I'm done
Come on, come on
If it feels right (if it feels right then just do it, do it)
If it feels right (if it feels right then just do it, do it)
Eye against eye
Don't know who's side I'm on
Who can I trust
Answer, fuck it, no one
So I'm done
But then you tell me once again
When will it end
My favorite self-destructive friend
I'm done, come on, come on, just stop
One more time
I'm done
Come on, come on
If it feels right (if it feels right then just do it, do it)
If it feels right (if it feels right then just do it, do it)
If it feels right then just do it
Momma says the opposite I go through with it
So what you gonna do?
Daddy don't approve of you
If it feels right then just do it
Momma says the opposite I go through with it
So what you gonna do?
Daddy don't approve of you
If it feels right
I'm done, come on, come on, just stop
One more time
Once you believe
Leave it to me
Come on, come on
If it feels right (if it feels right then just do it, do it)
If it feels right (if it feels right then just do it, do it)
(you make you happy)
(you make so high) Вообще-то, я не любитель подобных пэсенок. Но есть в ней что-то такое залихватское.
Под настроение - когда вприпрыжку по асфальту, сшибая мелкие камешки - вполне, вполне)
завтра вот испробую
*утирает пот*
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